My experience as a digital marketer has made me indulge in things I should and shouldn’t, not because I love it, but just to gain the experience on what to tell my client. As an expert in this field, I’m expected to have vast experience across all social media platforms, as no platform should be seen as for men or for women.

Snapchat was founded in 2011 and today records more than 300 million users, but many marketers don’t yet know how to tap into its audience.
From my study, Snapchat is a simple yet powerful social media platform that allows users to share customizable, short-lived photo and video content with friends from their phones. It’s only usable on mobile via the Snapchat app, and the shared stories self-destruct and disappear after 24 hours.

Who is Using Snapchat in Nigeria?

Over 70% of the people using Snapchat are aged 30 and below. And nearly 10% of them have not graduated from university, says Statistics Portal NG in their study.
Other studies reveal that the largest age demographic on the platform is 19 to 30 taking up nearly 30% of Snapchat users.

Those in the age bracket of 15 to 24 make up 25% of the users while 25 to 34 takes about 19%. Only 8% are aged 35 to 40 years.

But it’s also interesting to notice that the higher age groups are slowly warming up to the platform. In the past three years, no one aged 26 and above was signing up for a Snapchat account.
Today, over 50% of new sign ups are for users aged over 29.

Think about it: if you primarily sell to older people–people in their 40s, 50s, and above– then Snapchat may not be the best place to take your business.
Promotions that take advantage of the power of social media are cost-effective and carry your message to new audiences. Short-term visual messaging has very specific applications, but maintaining a consistent and engaging social media presence is crucial in today’s market.

1. Live event coverage

It’s likely that not all your fans and customers may be able to make it to each of your trade shows, exhibitions, and other events. You can use Snapchat to help them follow the event from wherever they are.

2. Expand your reach with influencer marketing

Studies show that words to mouth marketing not only increases customer retention but can also double your sales. By utilizing influencers who already have a large fan base of their own, you can reach new audiences in a way traditional media can’t.

3. Take fans behind the scenes

It has been found that sharing behind-the-scenes events can be a great way of increasing customer interest in your brand.
Your fans want to know what you do differently that makes you a better choice. The My Story feature on Snapchat is an excellent place to share such stories.

4. Show your products in action

This even applies to service providers who may not usually have pictures and videos to share on social media. If you’re a clothes retailer, you can share snaps of customers trying out your latest inventory. If you’re a restaurant, you can share videos of customers enjoying one of your delicacies, and if you sell drinks, you can share images of customers tasting your wines. The possibilities are endless!

5. Give special offers

Giveaways have always been an effective marketing tactic. If you have a large follower base on Snapchat, consider giving out free merchandise or services.
It could be discounts or promo codes that users can redeem later, or you can host a contest where the winner gets a prize.This concept is hardly practiced by Nigerians.

6. Feature your followers

An increasingly popular way of strengthening the bond between your brand and your fans is to feature them in your marketing messages.
Instead of just focusing on influencers and celebrities, bring your fans on board by recording videos with them, taking pictures together, and sharing these on your Snapchat profile.

7. Play the points game

On Snapchat, unlike other social platforms, users get points for engaging.
The more active you are on the platform, sharing snaps and chatting with other users, the more points you’ll earn.
Marketers can take advantage of this feature by running contests where fans with the most points over a certain period of time win a prize.
I learned that social media is all about engagement and socialization. Initiate conversations, share your stories, and promote as many items as you want, but never forget that the fans also need space to make their contributions. It’s a give and take relationship.

Lastly, Snapchat isn’t like any other social media platform. Snapchat is fun and full of thrill. It’s upbeat and alive.
And it’s this endless fun that appeals to its young fans.

Thanks to Cameron Francis and the Students of Alison University.

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