Criminal Code Act Banning Civilians From Wearing Military Camouflage

In view of the constant harassment of civilians on military camouflage by men of the armed forces, it is imperative to educate the public that wearing of such is actually against the law and a criminal act.

Section 110 of Nigeria Criminal Code Act states

110. Any person who- Unlawfully wearing the uniform of forces, etc

(1) not being a person serving in any of the armed forces of Nigeria, wears the uniform or any part of the uniform of such forces, or any the armed dress having the appearance or bearing any of the regimental or other distinctive marks of such uniforms; or

(2) not being a person holding any office or authority under the Government of Nigeria or of any part thereof, wears any uniform or distinctive badge or mark or carries any token calculated to convey the impression that such person holds any office or authority under the government;

is guilty of an offence and is liable to imprisonment for one month, or to a fine of ten naira,unless he proves that he had the permission of the President or of the Governor of a State or wear such uniform or dress, badge or mark or to carry such token:

Provided that this section shall not apply to the wearing of any uniform or dress in the course of a stage play or in any bona fide public entertainment

111. Any person who sells or gives any uniform, or part of a or any dress, badge or mark, as in the last preceding section mentioned, to any person who is not authorised to wear the same, is guilty of an offence and is liable to the penalties prescribed in the said section.

The Camouflage uniform is part of the military uniform. The Red bolded implies that even if the military camouflage is not exactly the same, as long as it has the pattern and resemblance of the Camouflage u have comitted a criminal act.

The Green bolded is an exception provided by the law, how ever Section 251 brings a limit to that exception


251. Any person who, not being a person serving in any of the armed or police forces of Nigeria, wears the uniform of any of these forces, or any dress having the appearance or bearing any of the regimental or other distinctive marks of any such uniform, in such manner or in such circumstances as to be likely to bring contempt on that uniform, or employs any other person so to wear such uniform or dress, is guilty of a simple offence, and is liable to imprisonment for three months or to a fine of forty naira.


The above law is replicated in Section 79 and 80 of the Lagos crimal law code but a [b]Jail term of 2 years is [/b]stipulated against the 1-3months of the Federal law.

It is also imperative to tell the sectionalists and others who are quick to call Nigeira a Zoo that many other countries also have laws banning camouflage clothings by civilians. The law is in effect in India, Philippines etc.

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