Top Health Benefits of Avocado and It’s Beauty Benefits

Avocados are considered one of the world’s best foods.

Avocado is among the top items on the list of the healthiest natural ingredients on the planet. It helps lower cholesterol, regulates blood pressure, fights obesity and guards against stroke and heart disease.

They contain more than 25 essential nutrients, such as vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, as well as copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, fiber, protein, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (such as omega-3 fatty acids), folate and several other beneficial elements.

The avocado, also called the alligator pear, has a long list of potential health benefits. When consumed on a regular basis, avocados can protect you from various diseases and keep your body and mind healthy for years to come.

Here are the top health benefits of avocados.

1. Nourishes the Skin
Avocados can improve your skin tone as the essential monounsaturated fats in the fruit help the epidermal layer of your skin retain moisture.

Avocado oil works great as a natural skin moisturizer. It also can help treat several skin conditions including dry skin, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, wounds, age spots, scars and sun damage.

Also, the omega fats present in avocados help reduce skin redness and irritation and promote the body’s natural process of repairing damaged cells.

Regular use of avocado also will reduce signs of aging and improve the production of collagen, which maintains your skin’s elasticity and firmness.

2. Promotes Brain Health
Health experts consider avocados one of the top brain-healthy foods due to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.

Omega-3 fatty acids keep your brain healthy by improving the blood supply to the pre-frontal cortex, the front part of the brain responsible for critical thinking, behavior, decision making, and planning.

The vitamin E has been clinically proven to prevent Alzheimer’s from progressing and even reversing symptoms in the early stages of the disease. Those suffering from Alzheimer’s would benefit from eating an avocado daily.

3. Boosts Heart Health
Studies show that people who eat avocados, which are rich in nutrients that boost heart health, have a much lower incidence of heart disease than those who don’t.

Avocados contain vitamin E that prevents cholesterol oxidization, folate that helps reduce dangerous homocysteine levels in the blood, potassium that helps regulate blood pressure, and phytosterols that reduce cholesterol absorption. The monounsaturated fat content also reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and improves overall blood lipid levels.

4. Prevents Birth Defects
The high folate or folic acid content in avocados can protect your unborn baby. Just one cup of avocado provides almost one-third of the recommended dose of folic acid for pregnant women.

Folic acid, a B vitamin, is a key prenatal nutrient that helps the brain and other vital organs develop in the fetus. It is also essential in preventing birth defects, such as neural tube defect and spina bifida.

5. Prevents Arthritis
Avocados have an abundance of anti-inflammatory agents that help prevent or reduce inflammation that leads to arthritis. These include high levels of phytosterols and a variety of carotenoids.

The phytosterols are in the fat content. The highest content of the carotenoids is in the darker part of the fruit that sits closest to the skin, so be sure to eat that part too.

In a more concentrated form, avocado oil is said to be particularly good as an arthritis treatment when consumed regularly. You can substitute avocado oil for olive oil in many recipes including pesto and vinaigrettes, or use it to dip bread in.

6. Protects Against Cancer
Avocados can help prevent the occurrence of cancers in the mouth, skin, and prostate gland. The anti-cancer properties in avocados are related to its unusual mix of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients.

In healthy cells, these properties improve inflammatory and oxidative stress levels. But in cancer cells, they increase oxidative stress and shift the cancer cells into a programmed cell death cycle (apoptosis) to reduce the number of cancer cells. Also, the oleic acid in avocado is effective in preventing breast cancer.

7. Regulates Blood Sugar
The monounsaturated fats in avocados can improve your cholesterol profile and prevent or reverse insulin resistance, which is a major contributing factor in type 2 diabetes.

The high amount of soluble fiber in avocados also helps improve blood glucose control. Avocados also contain oleic acid that has a beneficial effect on insulin sensitivity. Plus, avocado is a low glycemic index food. Do not eat this fruit in excess, though. Also, do not eat overripe avocados.

8. Helps with Digestion
Avocados have vitamin B-complex that helps release digestive enzymes used in the digestive process. Also, avocado improves the body’s ability to absorb nutrients which is an essential function of the digestion process

As avocados are considered an alkaline food, it balances the pH levels of the body and helps with conditions such as acid reflux and ulcers

9. Helps with Weight Loss
Although avocados are high in fat and calories, they are still considered good for weight loss. The monounsaturated fat in avocados is one of the ‘good’ fats that will help satisfy your hunger and make you feel full so you eat less overall. Many other types of fat are bad for your health and can take longer to burn off.

Avocados are also high in L-carnitine, an amino acid used in metabolizing fat. They also have good amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which your body needs to keep its digestive system running smoothly. Eating foods rich in fiber is also effective for weight loss.

10. Promotes Eye Health
Avocados also help in maintaining healthy eyesight. Avocados are rich with carotenoid lutein, an antioxidant that protects the eyes from oxidative stress damage leading to cataracts and macular degeneration, which are usually age-related

Also, the vitamin E in avocados helps protect the eyes against retinopathy, a condition caused by damage to the retina.

Now that you know the health benefits of avocados, it is time to start thinking of including them in your diet. You can add them to salads, sandwiches and dips or eat them plain.

Beauty Benefits of Avocado

Here are the top 10 beauty benefits of avocado.

1. Nourishes Dry Skin
Avocado helps soften and hydrate dry skin. Its fatty acids easily penetrate deep into the skin to make up for any loss of moisture. In addition, it’s suitable for all skin types.

Mash 1 to 2 ripe avocados with a fork until you have a smooth texture.
Mix in a little honey to make a
face mask.
Apply the mixture on your skin and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes.
Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Repeat 2 or 3 times a week.
Eating avocados regularly also helps keep your skin supple and glowing.

2. Treats Dry and Damaged Hair
If you have dry and damaged hair, try avocado to restore its beauty and health. The healthy fats, vitamins and protein in avocado help moisturize dry hair shafts and stimulate hair growth. It even helps soothe frizzy and unruly hair.

Scoop out the pulp of a ripe avocado and mash or blend it thoroughly to get a smooth consistency.
Mix 1 teaspoon each of wheat-germ oil and jojoba oil into the paste.
Apply it on your damp hair, from the roots to the ends.
Put on a shower cap for 30 to 40 minutes.
Shampoo your hair with lukewarm water.
Use this remedy once or twice a week.

3. Slows the Aging Process
Avocado contains an unbelievable amount of antioxidants as well as potent anti-aging properties that can reverse aging and keep you looking young for years.

It improves the production of collagen, which maintains your skin’s elasticity and firmness. It even accelerates new cell generation and promotes circulation in the body.

According to a 2012 study published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology journal, consuming avocado bolsters cells’ power centers against harmful free radicals
Use avocado oil to massage your body a few times a week.
Also, include avocado in your diet.

4. Fades Scars and Spots
Avocado helps get rid of scars and spots that may appear on your skin due to acne, pimples, eczema, minor burns, cuts, or scrapes.

The vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids in it help repair damaged tissue and improve the appearance of scars. It even accelerates the healing time and prevents new scars from forming.

Blend ½ ripe avocado (peeled), the juice of ½ lemon and the contents of a couple of vitamin E capsules in a blender until you get a smooth paste.
Rinse the affected skin with warm water and pat dry.
Massage the avocado mixture onto the affected area.
Allow it to dry completely, then wash it off with lukewarm water.
Use it 3 or 4 times a week to get clear, flawless skin.

5. Improves Skin Complexion
Avocado can also help improve your complexion. Its fatty acids, vitamin C and oleic acid help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

In addition, its antioxidant properties help protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) sunrays, thus preventing sunburn.

Blend 1 or 2 ripe avocados in a blender. You can also mix a little lemon juice and honey in it.
Massage the mixture on your face, neck, hands and legs.
Allow it to dry, then rinse it off with cold water.
Do this a few times a week to improve skin tone.

6. Reduces Wrinkles
Avocado has monounsaturated fatty acids that can help reduce wrinkles as well as crow’s feet. The vitamin E and amino acids in it also boost the production of collagen, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Mash a ripe avocado with a fork to get a fine paste.
Mix in 1 to 2 teaspoons of sweet almond oil.
Spread the paste thoroughly on the affected areas.
Allow it to sit for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.
Do this once daily to fight wrinkles.

7. Softens Rough Hands
Hands are one of the most neglected parts of the body, hence they often become rough and dry. Avocado is a great ingredient to pamper dry hands.

Its vitamins and monounsaturated fats can make your hands soft and moisturized. It can even help get rid of sagging skin.

Make a paste by mashing ½ to 1 ripe avocado and mixing in 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply the paste on your hands, allow it to sit for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse it off with cool water. Do this a few times a week.
Before going to bed, massage your hands with avocado oil for 5 minutes daily.

8. Cures Hangnails
You can fight this pain and reduce the risk of infection with avocado. Its vitamin E and other healthy fats help heal the dry and damaged skin around your nails.

Mix 1 tablespoon of avocado pulp with a little olive or coconut oil.
Apply it on the hangnails.
Leave it overnight or for at least a couple of hours, then rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Do this daily until you get rid of the hangnails.

9. Treats Dry and Cracked Heels
Avocado is rich in several essential vitamins and fats that can help treat cracked heels. As it is a good moisturizer, it helps restore soft and smooth skin.

Soak your feet in soapy water for 10 minutes, then scrub your feet with a pumice stone to remove the thick and dead skin cells.
Wash your feet and dry them thoroughly.
Apply mashed avocado pulp on your heels and soles.
Leave it on for at least 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
Use this simple remedy on a daily basis until the cracks on your heels are gone.

10. Promotes Hair Growth
Avocado is a highly effective remedy to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. It is loaded with protein, essential fatty acids, folic acid, magnesium and several vitamins that nourish your hair and stimulate growth. It also has hair-softening properties.

Mix 2 tablespoons of avocado oil and 2 or 3 drops of rosemary essential oil. Apply it on your hair and massage the scalp with your fingertips for 5 to 10 minutes. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then shampoo your hair as usual. Use this hair growth remedy 2 or 3 times a week.
Alternatively, prepare a hair mask with 1 mashed ripe avocado, 1 egg and 1 tablespoon each of jojoba oil and yogurt. Apply it on your damp hair, wear a shower cap for at least 1 hour and then rinse it out with lukewarm water. Use this hair mask once or twice a week.

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