In the spirit of reaching out to the less privilege in Akwa Ibom State, the Special Assistant to the Governor on Student Matters, Comrade Otobong Akpan on Tuesday communed with the socially challenged students on the University of Uyo.

Accompanied by the Governor’s aides on Media, Essien Ndueso, Project Monitoring Raphael Anwanakak and Inibehe Umah, as well as that of Grassroot Re-Orientation, Joseph Okon, Comrade Akpan interacted with the disabled encouraging them to see beyond the barriers and strive to succeed in their pursuits in life.

Akpan who donated a wheel chair to one the student, said she was encouraged by Governor Emmanuel and Mrs Martha Emmanuel to identify with and inspire the students to succeed in the academics, promising that more welfare packages will be identified and floated for them.

She donated a wheel chair to Rose Effiong Uloh while some other students got different gift items and a cash donation.

In their separate remarks, the other governor’s aides spoke on the concept of ability in disability and donated in support of the students.
One of them, Mr Essien Ndueso reminded them that physical disabilities and social challenges are no barriers as long as an individual is able to free himself from psychological and emotional captivity.

He commended the students, whom he recognized as Special Students rather than handicapped students, stressing that their seeking education meant that they had taken their destinies in their own hands.

According to him, the ‘Dakkada’ moral rebirth programme of Governor Emmanuel has reminded the people that Akwa Ibomites are born with heavy deposits of greatness and that people should connect with these imbued potentials in order to actualize their goals in life.

There were singing, dancing and merry making by the students who thanked Governor Emmanuel for realting with them through his student affairs liaison officer Comrade Akpan.

The President of the Handicapped Students, Aniefiok Uloh thanked Miss Akpan  and all the governor’s aides for identifying with them, saying it has never happened in the history of the association.

Highpoints of the occasion was the joint cutting of the love cake to cap the celebration, and the donation of t-shirts to all the students by the CEO of Sunnick Ventures, Mr Nicodemus Ibanga.

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