The long held adage that prophets are not respected in their homeland was again proven wrong as youths of Ibot Community in Mkpat Enin Local Government Area on Sunday honoured one of their beloved sons Eric Ekwere as a Patron. Performing the installation, the President of Ibot Youths, Comrade Michael Akpan described Eric Ekwere as a worthy son of Ibot who has contributed immensely to the development of the community.
Comrade Akpan led his Executive members and other youths of the community to confer the award on Mr. Eric Ekwere during their monthly general meeting, he said the conferment was a way of acknowledging the enormous contributions of Mr. Ekwere to the betterment of Ibot community.
“Today the entire Ibot youths community have decided to honour one of us, a young man who has distinguished himself in all facet of life, a caring father and husband who is always ready to assist us whenever we call on him, sometimes we don’t even call on him to assist us but he makes sure that he calls in to enquire about our well being, we will not wait for outsiders to celebrate him for us, we have to celebrate and honour our own”.
He continued by saying that the award had nothing to do with politics but said that the gesture was a way of rewarding excellence and commitment. He assured the new Patron that the youths of Ibot will not do anything that will bring shame to him. “Sir, I can promise that we will not engage in anything that will bring reproach to your person, we will continue to be law abiding as we have always been”.
He commended the Patron for accepting to be a father to the youths of Ibot Community and prayed God to guide and protect the family of the new Patron.
On the issue of security, the Youth Leader said the youths of the community has taken it upon their self to secure the community especially at night. He said that youths are doing the task without pay or any form of numeration.
In his acceptance speech, the new Patron confessed that the award came as surprise to him since he never knew that the little efforts he put to contribute the little he has to the growth of the society was appreciated. He added that the recognition was a call to service and promised to intensify his efforts in contributing to the development of Ibot community.
“I must tell you that I am deeply surprised but at the same time I am grateful for this recognition, it feels good to be celebrated by my own people.
"This is a call for me to advance my commitment to my people and with Gods’ help I will do even more to the entire Mkpat Enin people. Nothing gives me pleasure than giving to the society, it makes me happy and gives me great satisfaction. This will certainly spur me up to do more for my people”.
“I know this task will demand devotion and commitment and we are up for the task; I want to challenge all Ibot youths to rise to the faith of greatness and take charge of their future". He enjoined the youths to always speak with one voice especially when making political decisions, so that development can easily penetrate the area.
The former Supervisor in Mkpat Enin Local Government Council used the occasion to drum support for the State Governor Deacon Udom Emmanuel and all other elected office holders under the PDP. He charged the youths to do everything within their power to make the incumbent succeed at all level. He informed them that the Governor was the man for the job because of his outstanding records in the private sector, he added that the Governor holds Mkpat Enin close to his heart and enjoined all Mkpat Enin people to Support the Governor.
Earlier in his remarks, the Village Head of Ibot, Eteidung Xavier Jerome Ekwere who was present at the meeting to witness the event, used the occasion to thank youths of the village for being law abiding and respectful, he admonished them to shun all forms of social vices that may lead them to being irresponsible in the society. He informed the youths that the village council is working hard to attract life touching projects to the community but added those dreams will not come true if the youths are not united and peaceful.
A cross section of youths who spoke with our reporter spoke glowing of the new Patron Mr. Eric Ekwere and promised him their unalloyed loyalty and support. They said most of them have decided to make the young entrepreneur their Patron because of his outstanding leadership qualities and respect for elders.
The celebration climaxed at the country home of the young politician with light refreshment, songs, dances and other eye catching performances by the youths who came out en masse to honour the grassroot politician.
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