Leadership especially within the political sphere is considered by many as the ability to outwit others and be in control of power as well as decide what happens, and who gets what at certain times within the social system. This is the more reason terms like ‘this is our turn’ and other such phrases that express selfish and parochial intentions are common among people of different political divides.

But leadership to the indefatigable and pragmatic political Leader of Ikono Local Government Area, Obong Emmanuel Ukpong-udo is all about selfless service and more service to humanity. The people’s chosen political leader of Ntippe Ibibio considers his position as a privilege to render services and give back to the society beyond what he ever received from the system. This simple philosophy and understanding are the nuggets that shape his approach, behavior and influence his relationship with people at all levels.

Obong Emmanuel Ukpong-Udo is a highly cerebral and illustrious son of Ikono, who has meteorically risen to the height of his career. He has and out of passion for the development of his fatherland, accepted the clarion call by the elders and the entire people of the area to come and provide the needed service to his people. Obong Ukpong-Udo was spotted by the elders and other king makers for this highly revered leadership position as a result of his commitment to development and sincere quest for peace and progress of his fatherland.

It is on record that prior to stepping into the big shoes of the Political Leader of Ikono, Obong Emmanuel Ukpong-udo was in the habit of giving hope to the hopeless and succor to those that have none. Presently, he has extended the frontiers of his charity and philanthropy to many and has continued to empower youths, women thereby contributing greatly to the socio-economic development of his people. The several youths profiting from his empowerment scheme and other unannounced gestures are all testament of his absolute commitment to the growth and alleviation of the suffering of everyone in the area.

The conferment of this revered title on Obong Ukpong-Udo was not without controversies from people, who still believe that leadership should not be entrusted in the hands of young people. This few persons were deficient in the knowledge that youthfulness goes with vigor, doggedness, determination, dream and vision. The young, energetic, pragmatic, visionary, dogged, humble and charismatic leader has so far doused their fears and established people-oriented leadership in the area.

John Maxwell in one of his works identifies key qualities that reveal themselves in leaders’ lives. They include character, relationships, knowledge, intuition, experience, past success and ability. Emmanuel Ukpong-Udo has all the aforementioned and so much more. He possesses humility compassion, generosity, fear of God and strong sense of empathy. The danger in our leadership spectrum is the absence or complete lack of these attributes. And the difference between Macaire as he is fondly called and many others is the presence of a rich size of each of the attributes in his character which makes him pleasant to deal with all times.

Obong Ukpong-Udo is indeed a leader of extraordinary qualities. He considers his people above his personal interest and has further proven by examples that leaders must live for the people and not the other way round. He is a man of integrity, a team player with abounding interpersonal communication skill. He has redefined and reshaped the scope of leadership in this present day.

There are leaders who used their wealth and network of friends at the detriment of many. But Obong Ukpong-Udo is not known to fall into this cast. Rather he belong to John Maxwell school of thought that postulates that “Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others”. His love and unwavering desire for his fatherland led to his willingness and determination to pay the supreme price of sacrificial service for the sake of the people. That he accepted the call to service, considering his soaring profile is an uncommon demonstration of humility and commitment.

Obong Emmanuel Ukpong-Udo, an Occupational Safety and Health Consultant, Chartered Safety and Health Practitioner, who is also the Regional Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Manager Orlean Invest Africa Ltd. He is blessed with the rare virtues of charisma, strong character, integrity, and humility as well as ability to assess situation and make decision based on what would be in the best interest of a greater number of people, which are the hallmarks of good leadership. But his accomplishment and meteoric rise to the echelon of his career is not subject of this treatise. The objective of this piece is to examine a personality that has been a blessing to people and situate the personality as an exemplar. It is to examine a leader who has deployed the skills and qualities that caused him to excel in his career in the service of his fatherland.

Recently he was seen in one of the public offices humbly seated among of visitors. The great leader of the great people ofNtippe Ibibio exhibited an unusual level of humility and civility by obliging to all demands required of every visitors to that office. He spent close to eight hours and deliberately refused entreaties by friends and others for him to have a more comfortable seat in one of the offices while waiting for his turn. Many were in amazement when the public officer he had appointment with came out and met him seated. The host screamed, asking him why he had to wait instead of coming inside. They both exchanged banters before going into the office.

Such level of rapport shows that Obong Ukpong-udo had sufficient relationship with the officer that would have given him unhindered access to the office. But he rather chose to observe and conform to the rule of the place for eight long hours! However, on close interaction, he revealed that he had to wait for that number of hours for the cause of his people – the people of Ikono. This indeed is a rare expression of leadership.

Politically, Ikono Local Government Area is today one of the most politically organized areas, with clearly laid down political zoning and sharing principle. This arrangement which has become an inherent part of the people is generally accepted by the people and has reduced possible political feud; thereby enhancing peace, progress and political stability of the area. This genuine political stability, which may likely outlive many, is attributed to effective and articulate leadership provided by the Political Leader.

Obong Emmanuel Ukpong-udo has deployed the skill of interpersonal communication and persuasion to bring opposing political factions together and repositioned the political structure of Ikono. His penetrative skills and endearing lifestyle brought together hitherto aggrieved people and implanted in their hearts a new mindset. This has engendered massive political participation and willingness for all to be part of the political decision marking. He is naturally endowed with good communication and interpersonal skills, with ability to harness diverse opinions to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number; a man with an unusual courage to stand for what is needful and of concern to his people.

Obong Emmanuel Ukpong-udo’s leadership was put to test recently when he was appointed by Governor Udom Emmanuel to form part of a 3-man PDP Congress Committee for Ikono Local Government Area. The PDP Congress was not just a huge success but went down in history as the most peaceful Congress conducted by the PDP in the area. The leading socio-political organization and a think-tank Group of Ikono people – Ikono People Consultative Forum (IPCF), headed by the peoples’ Political Leader of Ikono, Obong Ukpong-udo saw to the emergence of Chapter Chairman, Deputy Chapter Chairman, Chapter Woman Leader, Treasurer and other key officers of the Chapter. IPCF went on to occupy larger numbers of ward executive members across the eleven (11) wards of Ikono. This was indeed Victory for one, victory for all Ikono people. The group was also instrumental to the overall success of the PDP Congress in the area.

This gentleman turned Political Leader appears determined to deploy his skills, experience and vigor to galvanize Ikono and situate it at a pedestal that would make the area impossible to ignore in the scheme of things politically. He has vowed to position Ikono in the right spectrum for the good of the people and restore its rightful glory as the Ntippe Ibibio.

In less than a year, Obong Ukpong-Udo has distinguished himself as a leader indeed. He has proven his mettle, charted a new political direction and engendered peace and progress of Ikono. He has proven his sincerity and determination to serve the people and build his fatherland by providing extra-ordinary leadership, which has stabilized the area. He requires the support and cooperation of the people to continue to provide the much needed leadership; stabilize Ikono and bring it to its rightful place politically as the cradle of Ibibio Nation.b

Israel Ntiense is a public affairs analyst

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