#NigeriansAreNotCriminals : Akwa Ibom Born Blogger Exonerates Himself From President Buhari's Lossed Canon Speech in UK

My name is Uduak Nkereuwem Inwang. 

Popularly known as Cavil Uduak Inwang

I Am a graduate of Library and information Science.

A Blogger/Social Media Consultant.

A proud member of Nigerian Library Association. (NLA)

Also a member of Coalition of Online Publishers Akwa Ibom.

I was brought up in a God fearing way which I will never depart from.

A very humble and patience guy but takes no nonsense from people who look down on me.

I am a born again Christian who believes in the Holy Trinity.

I am a Ballyhoo.

I sleep 4 hours every night just to work and earn a living.

I am a loyal servant with pure reason who aspire to be a Politician.

I stand for human rights, justice, equity, good conscience, rule of law, democracy, accountability and truth.

I do not pretend about my feelings, I detest all forms of hypocrisy.

I rely on God and my convictions in taking stance on issues.

I strive for solidarity by all oppressed people, I rather die in it than live without it.

I am a radical activist, social crusader, writer, columnist, critic.

I pay all my levy and tax to government as at when due.


Lifted from Cavil Inwang's Facebook Wall

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