It has been brought to our notice, that some criminal elements, agents of darkness and self-styled 'journalist', who have no form of name nor physical address and happen to only exist on the pages of certain blogs and allied media are going about peddling ‘news’ to the effect that the Management of #akwaIbomStateUniversity have concluded plans to increase school fees paid by students.
This, we submit exist only in the figment of the imagination of the peddlers of such news. This group of people appear to be hallucinating and suffering from some form of severe brain disease and mental torture for whatsoever reason.
Ordinarily, we would not want to join issues with these elements of instability, whose handiwork thrives on mis-information, clearly aimed at creating fear and disharmony in the minds of the ever peace-loving staff and students of #aksu.
This group of people are clearly suffering from the phobia of the uncommon transformation and dakkada mantra that the present Management of #aksu has embraced and brought to the table in the day-to-day running of the university and this has paid off in clearly transforming, an hitherto analog system to a presently digital system, where the entire work-flow in the entire University community has been totally computerized to compute favourable with her peers anywhere in the global community.
One of the basis ethics of news reporting is balance, where official confirmation or views of the other party is sough on a given issue before publication. This group of ‘news-reporters’ have neither sought to verify their story line from the Management of #akwaIbomStateUniversity. To them, junk journalism is their running principle. We wish to remind this group of people that there is presently a Bill before the Nigerian Senate that states among other thing states that “Where any person....... makes any allegation and or publish any statement, petition in any paper, radio, or any medium of whatever description, with malicious intent to discredit or set the public against any person or group of persons, institutions of government, he shall be guilty of an offense and upon conviction, shall be liable to an imprisonment term of two years or a fine of N4,000,000.00.”
We wish to assure the peace-loving staff, students and stakeholders of #akwaIbomStateUnivesity that no meeting or discussion whatsoever has been held anywhere in the world, where the issue of school fee increase has been mentioned, talk-less of being resolved upon.
Management is clearly determined to move and continually transform the institution to an enviable height, where it will continue to be an excellent citadel of learning. This, we are committed to achieving in spite of available lean resources within our disposable and in line with global economic crunch.
We strongly advise members of the public to totally disregard any news on increase of school fees. Parents and guardians are also advised to caution their wards to be wary of so-called friends, whose stock in trade is to peddle falsehood and un-verified news. Should any issue of concern arise, we have an array of channels, through which official information can be sought and obtained. Some of these are :
(1) Website :
(2) Email : (a)
(3) Facebook :
(4) Twitter :
(5) Google+ : , among others.
(2) Email : (a)
(3) Facebook :
(4) Twitter :
(5) Google+ : , among others.
Pls be guided accordingly.
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