AKSG Set To Create 10,000 Jobs By Umo Kingsley

Mr Ekong displaying one of the possible things that can generate employment in the state
Mr Ekong displaying one of the possible things that can generate employment in the state
Special Assistant to the Governor on Technical Matters and Due Processes, Mr Uffot Ekong (right), Special Assistant to the Governor on Youths Matters, Mr Iwa Udofia (middle) and Special Assistant to the Governor on Social Media, Mrs. Meflyn Anwana during the interactive session with press men at the Government House Press Center, Uyo.
Special Assistant to the Governor on Technical Matters and Due Processes, Mr Uffot Ekong (right), Special Assistant to the Governor on Youths Matters, Mr Iwa Udofia (middle) and Special Assistant to the Governor on Social Media, Mrs. Meflyn Anwana during the interactive session with press men at the Government House Press Center, Uyo.
The Akwa Ibom State Governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, had indicated sometimes ago that he is poised to re-awaken the spirit of enterprise in Akwa Ibom people and to prepare them to seize the opportunities that his industrialization policy will open up in the state by starting a Pilot Enterprise and Employment Scheme initially aimed at CREATING 10,000 jobs. This will be scaled-up in subsequent phases to ensure that the current unemployment rate in the state is reduced by 50% in 4-5 years.
To actualise this, a scheme designed for the implementation of the State Government’s new Enterprise Development Program, Akwa Ibom Enterprise and Employment Scheme, AKEES, has been implemented. It is aimed at generating more sustainable employment opportunities for unemployed youth through empowering local businesses who can employ our youth to earn a wage while undergoing practical enterprise skills development and hands-on training from growing businesses in Akwa Ibom- (LEARNING BY DOING AND EARNING WHILE LEARNING)
The Special Assistant to the Governor on Technical Matters and Due Processes, Mr Uffot Ekong, during an interactive session with press men at the Government House Press Center, Uyo, noted that there is a difference between job creation and issuance of job.
He said that the scheme is to prepare Akwa Ibom youths to embrace the employment opportunity brought to the state through the 10,000 job Creation scheme.
According to Mr Uffot, the ultimately vision of the scheme is to establish Akwa Ibom as an enabling state, where anyone regardless of their economic background can generate an idea, start and grow their business as easily as possible. It has a motto which states this: “if you cannot be successful here (in Akwa Ibom), you cannot be successful anywhere”.
Designed to develop youths with Character, Innovation and Competence; infusing in them DIGNITY OF LABOUR, HONOUR AND INTEGRITY IN LIFE … The famed virtues of an Akwa Ibomites.
The objectives of AKEES include to create the enabling structures needed to easily setup and grow your business – More growing businesses; more job opportunities; to foster a domestic ecosystem to reduce capital flight through importation and exportation of un-optimized products – produce to consume, import to transform into higher value exports; to support and grow businesses and products that have high export potential through franchising and online trading platforms – made in Akwa Ibom, sold worldwide. It aims to provide strategic solutions and reduce youth unemployment by 50% in 4 – 5 years by developing youth entrepreneurs through a set of Franchise schemes, Provide world-class vocational skills training and high quality technical education to Akwa Ibom youths as may be necessary, Trainees from day one, earn wages as they learn. They will be equipped and empowered with the mind-set and practical skills required to become first class competent and technically skilled entrepreneurs creating wealth and offering employment to other youths, and mentorship and counselling of youths on Enterprise development, Franchisee scheme, Technical and Vocational Skills acquisition
Create an accessible registration platform online (www.akyees.com), registration desks at Local Government Council headquarters and via mobile (SMS); to make it easy for anyone to register for the program, while accommodating a large number of registrations.
Select through a transparent IT-driven process, DEVOID OF PROXIES AND POLITICAL PATRONANGE which ensured even participation of candidates who genuinely would want to create wealth for themselves through entrepreneurial ventures across the 31 Local Government Areas
Based on areas of interest and passion, candidates will be opportuned to hone their skills while earning a living working in the employment of empowered local businesses, or take up franchises to easily start and grow their business.
Data of applicants professionally organized and managed to provide an employment platform for future programs and projects.
Participating individuals and businesses shall be monitored and coached to reduce the risk of failing or reduce costs where possible.
Registration statistics will be displayed online at the website for easy accessibility and verification by any interested party
Number of jobs created from registered participants will be displayed through a ticker on the website
Testimonials of beneficiaries and documentaries will also be available for verification on the website
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