The Vice Chancellor of the University of Uyo (UNIUYO), Akwa Ibom State, Prof. Enefiok Essien, has advised the
8,120 matriculating students to live within the dictates of the school’s rules and regulations, warning that management would not hesitate to wield the big stick against non conformists.
“…You are to submit to duly constituted authorities of the University, to shun cultism and to obey the rules and regulations governing the University”, he warned.
It was at the 23rd matriculation ceremony of the Institution for the 2015\16 academic year held yesterday at the town campus of the University along Ikpa Road, Uyo, the State capital.
Essien, a Professor of Commercial Law, while declaring the ceremony open, assured the new students that the university as the centre for teaching, research and manpower development was committed to the social contract of training them to become experts in various fields.
He asked the students to reciprocate by adhering to the norms, values and ethical standards put in place in the University community, as part of the regulatory regime -to check the excesses of students and other members of the institution.
Besides, Essien, who presided over the first matriculation ceremony since he took seat as the 5th Vice Chancellor of the institution on December 1, 2015, indulged the new students against unruly behaviours under the cover of unionism, saying dialogue remains the best option in dispute resolution.
“Our target is quality service delivery at all times irrespective of who is involved. We treat you as very important persons and we hope you will never give us cause to treat you otherwise. The management of University of Uyo is prepared to listen and dialogue on all issues affecting you; it maintains an open door policy for such purposes,” he stressed.
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