Facebook says 16 million people in Nigeria visit the social networking website every month and they all do so with their mobile devices. Each day, 7.2 million people visit Facebook with 7 million on mobile.
The social network has grown its presence in Africa, particularly Nigeria, leveraging on increasing mobile penetrationon the continent which stands at 67 percent. In Nigeria, there are more than 93 million mobile internet users, according to the Nigerian Communications Commission.
It had grown to 120 million active users in Africa by June, 2015 from 100 million in September 2014.
Facebook intends to continue building on this growth, hence its visit to Nigeria which coincided with Friends Day (4 February), or Facebook’s 12th birthday to show its commitment to the country where it is experiencing impressive growth.

“For us, Friends Day in Nigeria was about hearing the stories of our community using Facebook our platform to grow and connect with others. We have made amazing progress over the past year. We’re only 1% done in Nigeria and inspired to do even more in this fast-moving, mobile first country,” said Nicola Mendelsohn, Vice President, EMEA, at Facebook.
The company is also deepening partnerships with Nigerian businesses, sharing user insights with business and agency partners on how to deliver personalised marketing on mobile.
“We want to make sure Nigeria – its people, its agencies and its businesses – realise the opportunity that technology and mobile bring,” said Nunu Ntshingila, Head of Africa for Facebook.
“We know the mobile platform people use the most in Nigeria is Facebook and up to 77% of Nigerians on Facebook use their mobile device to discover new products and services. Nigerians are sophisticated mobile users and this sophistication is increasing fast – people are ahead of businesses, and we’re here to help businesses create mobile-first solutions to grow their business,” Ntshingila added.
Facebook also hosted a dinner for women leaders in Nigeria where Mendelsohn and Ntshingila spoke about entrepreneurism and technology can drive economies and create jobs.
The company, last year, opened its first office in Africa in furtherance of the company’s commitment to help businesses connect with people and grow locally and regionally. It said at the time that it will start its African presence with a focus on growing it’s business in sub-Saharan African countries including Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa and will also offer support for Senegal, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, Mozambique and Ethiopia.
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