Two Woman Disgrace Themselves Fighting Topless in Public After Argument (Photos)

People were left in serious shock after two women were filmed fighting with one going topless in public after an argument.
In a trending video shared online, one of the women removed her top to fight the other landing serious blows. She bared her breasts to the camera while punching, shouting and kicking at the other person to the shock an amazement of onlookers.
It is not certain where the incident happened. But, the commotion left many people seriously amused. The fight was later separated by a guy who was present after the blows and punches became increasingly hot.

The post Two Woman Disgrace Themselves Fighting Topless in Public After Argument (Photos) appeared first on Nigerian Hive – Naija Gist Latest Gossip Nollywood Movies Music News Naija Latest News Entertainment Nollywood Gossip from Nigeria.

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