Girls, Here’s How to Pass Through the University and Graduate as a Virgin

Dear Temilolu,
Thanks for your article in the Punch newspaper on the possibility of passing through the university and graduating as a virgin. YES AND YES. My daughter graduated from Babcock University with a 2.1 last month. She is a virgin and I’m very proud of her. Once a person is in tune with God, obedience to the fear of God keeps people away from sins of immorality. It’s not easy to stay away from evil in this sinful world. We need God’s grace and strong determination. Salvation is the key.
Dear Aunty Temilolu,
I’m one of your girls but I’ve been unable to communicate with you because I don’t have a phone. I always read your articles on Saturdays and I want to commend you for a job well done in the lives of our girls including my humble self. I’m further encouraged in today’s article. I started a relationship with a guy last year on a platonic level. However, last month he asked me for s*x which I refused. I had not mentioned it to him before that I’m still a virgin and when I did, he was surprised and has since not mentioned it again. We kiss whenever we see, is it safe?
Christianah, 20
My darling Christianah,
I wish I could see you one of these days! I’m rather dazed by your decency. Yes! To start with, it is hard to find a 20-year-old lady without a phone because we are at an age where even 15-year-olds would ensure they get a boyfriend to buy them one if their parents can’t afford it. And to think you are not even so comfortable with kissing that gentleman is dumbfounding! You are an unusual lady with a very clean soul. My prayer for you is that God would help you maintain your chastity as much as possible, prosper you all round and give you a good man to spend the rest of a most beautiful life with.
However, kissing could lead to fornication because it practically sets your body on fire especially when you are in love with the person you are kissing. It also breaks reserves because once the kisses get deeper, he begins to touch sensitive parts of your body and the next thing you want to do is open your thighs. It would only take the mighty power of God to stop intercourse or any form of sexual satisfaction! It may be difficult for others to avoid it but I don’t find it so for you. Please avoid it! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!
 My darling precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly celebrated Nigerian sisters,
Your main purpose at the higher institution.
To start with, we all have an opportunity to make choices in life and follow the path that best suits us; we also must prepare to face the consequences. Some can’t wait to get to the higher institution and have a degree that’ll pave way for their dreams while some just want to go and have all the freedom in the world to do everything they’ve ever wished to do but which they couldn’t because of their parents’ monitoring. So, where do you stand? The higher institution is a citadel of learning and an incubator of greatness and I dare say it’s also the citadel of bad influence and over-exposure to vices. In other words, you have to decide what you are going in there for and what you expect to make out of it. Yes, you must socialise but with sense-now that sense can only be positive when incubated in God ooo!.(We’ll get to that).
I want you to remember not only your childhood dreams to become a star student and one of world’s female trail blazers but also your parents’ expectations. I also want you to have in mind, some family members and friends who have always for some reason or the other looked down on you and said that nothing good or serious can come out of you. Won’t it be so nice, glorious and wondrous to prove them wrong, outshine them, their children and become greater than the greatest in your family?
Whoa! It’s more than possible and I tell you it doesn’t matter if you’ve not been having fantastic grades in high school. Right now, you can even strike a deal with God that if He would upgrade your brain and help you reach a G.P.A. that will fetch you a first class; you’ll remain chaste till your wedding night. Do you know what would happen? He will not only give you that but give you so much ease to achieve your dreams and cater for every single need whether your parents can afford to take care of your bills or not. Christian or not, please meditate on this scripture-
“If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them;
For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you.”Leviticus 26: 3 & 9 KJV
Nonsense devil is in trouble! Yipee!
….To be continued.

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