Bride, 18, Kills Herself After Husband Demanded Virginity Test

A man has been charged with driving his new wife to commit suicide after he pressured her to take virginity tests then demanded a second wife after disbelieving the results which showed she was indeed a virgin.

24-year-old Zafar Pirov got married to 18-year-old Rajabbi Khurshed in an arranged marriage in Tajikistan. The couple had never met each other prior to their marriage. Before they got married, a government-required prenuptial exam which includes a virginity test was carried out on Rajabbi and she passed all of it. But Pirov did not believe she was a virgin and demanded she undertakes another virginity test after they got married.

Pirov took his new bride for two further tests, both of which showed she was still a virgin, yet he doubted both. Casting his wife out, he demanded a new bride only two weeks after their wedding and the pressure pushed Rajabbi to consume a lethal dose of vinegar 40 days after they were married.

Rajabbi’s family who arranged the marriage said their daughter told them on her deathbed that she had felt under massive pressure to accept Pirov’s demands for a second wife and “couldn’t take it any longer”. Pirov defended himself, claiming his wife admitted she was not a virgin and consented to him taking a second wife.

He said: “My wife gave me a written statement that she allows me to get a second wife because she wasn’t a virgin when we got married.”

Rajabbi’s mother Fazila Mirzoeva has pleaded to the country’s president, Emomali Rahmon, for help get justice for her daughter, who she said is a victim of “slander and violence”. She said her daughter, from the village of Chorbogh, had never had a boyfriend and had never had sex with anyone. She dropped out of school to help take care of her brothers who both have special needs.

Pirov could be facing eight years in jail if found guilty of driving Rajabbi to suicide.

The post Bride, 18, Kills Herself After Husband Demanded Virginity Test appeared first on Nigerian Hive – Naija Gist Latest Gossip Nollywood Movies Music News Naija Latest News Entertainment Nollywood Gossip from Nigeria.

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