Another Set of High Profile Boko Haram Commanders renounce Terrorism (PHOTOS)

On Monday 17th July 2017, four Boko Haram terrorists willingly deserted their hideouts and surrendered themselves of 120 Task Force Battalion at Goniri. Among them was a high-profile terrorist, Konto Fanami, the Ameer of Kafa hideout of the Boko Haram terrorists group that operates along Ajigin-Talala-Mungusum axis.

During preliminary interrogation, they confirmed that they abandoned the terrorism because of incessant hardship and realizing that they were misled by their terrorist group leaders.

They further stated they were also erroneously misinformed and brainwashed about Islam and the Nigerian military and the society generally.

The remorseful surrendered terrorists regretted their involvement in terrorism and marveled at the courtesies and humane treatment accorded them by the military on surrendering.

We call on those remnants of Boko Haram terrorists to follow suit and renounce the devilish creed as adequately arrangement has made to receive all those that voluntarily renounce terrorism and surrender themselves and will be treated humanely.

Brigadier General Sani Kukasheka Usman
Director Army Public Relations

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