All is well! Omoni Oboli shares new photo of Uche Jumbo and her husband, Kenney Rodriguez as they fly out for a baecation

There have been rumours that actress Uche Jombo and her Puerto Rican husband Kenney Rodriguez are having crises in their marriage. Unconfirmed reports alleged that her husband, Kenney who is based in Dallas, is dating a pretty 22-year old African American student named Teresa and have been spotted out on romantic dates together with photos hitting the net last week

Her close friend/fellow actress, Omoni Oboli however shared a photo today via IG of Uche and Kenney, indicating that they were on their way to Canada for a baecation.

She captioned the photo above: “Yayyyyyyyy it’s going to be so lit! Bestie is on her way! See you soon @uchejombo and @kenneykrodrodriguez 😍😍😍💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻#CantKeepStill #Baecation #Canada #2ndHome #LoversOnly #QuickGetaway #NoKidsAllowed”

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