Conference of Nigerian Political Parties, Akwa Ibom State Chapter says they are ready for the local government area elections which the Electoral umpire Akwa Ibom State Independent Electoral Commission (AKISIEC) has fixed for 11th November 2017.

The Director of media CNPP Rev Aniebiet Emmanuel made this known to selected news reporters during a press briefing today.

Below is their press release….


Ladies and Gentlemen of the press.

Sequel upon pressures from members and supporters of various political parties (Members of CNPP) that they are confused following the decision of All Progressives Congress (APC) to withdraw from the proposed Local Government Election, whether the said election will still hold, we the executive and members of Conference of Nigerian Political Parties (CNPP) Akwa Ibom State Chapter, a legally recognized umbrella body of all registered Political Parties now States thus :

1. That, All Political Parties and indeed the entire people of Akwa Ibom State have for long been clamoring for the conduct of Local Government Election in the state which resulted into one of us (People Redemption Party – PRP) taking the State Government to the Federal High Court to compel AKISIEC to conduct the Local Government Election which was later withdrawn when the State Government declared a qenuine intention to conduct the election before the year runs out.

2.That our members (Political Parties) have already started earnet preparation for the proposed election coming up on the 11th day of November, 2017 as generally agreed by all Political stakeholders in a meeting held on 28th day of June 2017.

3. That one out of forty (40) registered Political Parties operating in Akwa Ibom State, pulling out of the generally agreed election, cannot stop the said election from holding as greed.

4. That we cannot and should not pre-empt the out come of the election until it is conducted.

5. That as a body of all registered Political Parties, we have avenues to register our complaints should there be any elements of compromise by the electoral body (AKISIEC)

6. That our members have indicated their interest to partake in the election since this is the only avenue of bring democratically elected people to run our Local Government in accordance with the constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as amended, against the overdue transition committees in the state.

7. For more, CNPP has no reason/s to doubt the ability of the Electoral body (AKISIEC) in conducting a credible, free and fair election on 11th day of November, 2017, until proven otherwise.

8. Nevertheless we are aware that aspirants for the election including the members of APC has started consultations, and getting their tax clearance in preparation for the election. Having spent such monies in this recession therefore, if they still wish to contest the election they can do so using other available political parties to actualize their dream.

In conclusion; Conference of Nigerian Political Parties (CNPP) hereby calls on AKISIEC to provide a level playing field for all Political Parties in the election, and also calls on the good people of Akwa Ibom State to be law abiding, having faith in Akwa Ibom and conduct themselves properly before, during and after the election because no blood of Akwa Ibom person is worth any political ambition of any body.

Long Live CNPP

Long Live Akwa Ibom State

Long Live Nigeria.

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