46 Kenyan Women Reportedly Strip N*ked to Protest Unsatisfactory S*x with Their Husbands (Photos)

Tens of women reportedly stripped nak*d in Mukurweini, Nyeri county, protesting unsatisfactory s*x they get from their husbands.
They reportedly gave their husbands a short ultimatum to prove their mettle or else they will forfeit their positions.
Further comical reports have it that they will move to the upper sides of Rvalley, Nyanza or the Western zone for strong men. Zambia is also being considered for men that could guarantee them maximum satisfaction.
Meanwhile, the veracity of this report remains unverified as it has been treated as a joke on social media considering the reactions seen below:

The post 46 Kenyan Women Reportedly Strip N*ked to Protest Unsatisfactory S*x with Their Husbands (Photos) appeared first on Nigerian Hive – Naija Gist Latest Gossip Nollywood Movies Music News Naija Latest News Entertainment Nollywood Gossip from Nigeria.

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