6 interesting facts about #MothersDay you didnt know (Number 2 is how it started)

Across the world millions of people are celebrating their mothers today, May 14, 2017. Calls, messages on social media, surprise gifts, visits and so on are bringing smiles to faces across the world.

Regardless of how you choose to celebrate today, there are some facts about Mother’s Day that you need to see. Below are some of them:

1. It was formerly called Mothering Sunday
The Christian celebration of ‘Mothering Sunday’ was the precursor to Mother’s Day. In the United Kingdom and parts of Europe, Mothering Sunday fell on the fourth Sunday in Lent, where parishioners would return to their “mother” church.

2. How it started

A woman named Ann Reeves Jarvis began “Mothers’ Day Work Clubs” to teach local women how to properly care for their children.

She later organized “Mothers’ Friendship Day,” a peaceful movement where mothers convened with former Union and Confederate soldiers.


The Catholic Mother’s Day is a popular way of celebrating in Nigeria

3. Traditional practices

Greek mythology celebrated spring festivals in honor of the goddess Rhea. She was the mother of many deities.

Omikami Amaterasu is the Mother of the World in the Shinto religion. The Imperial family in Japan claim they are her descendants.

4. Dates
Approximately 50 countries around the world celebrate Mother’s Day, although not on the same date.

For example, Mother’s Day is celebrated for 10 days in October in India. But the United Kingdom celebrates the special day in March.

5. Flowers

Carnations are the most popular flowers given on this day. Pink and red honour the moms who are around while white is for those who have passed away.

6. Gifts
Mother’s Day is the third most popular card sending holiday in the U.S. The least favourite gift mom’s get on this day; appliances.A trip to the spa is reportedly the number one gift wish, most mothers ask for.

Meanwhile, the recent return of the Chibok girls after their over 3 years in captivity is a great Mother’s Day gift for their mothers.

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