"...In the fulfillment of its mandate, since inception the Commis­sion has awarded 8,557 pro­jects of which 3,424 projects have been completed and handed over to communities and States. There are 2,257 on-going projects whilst 2,506 are yet to be started for various reasons..."

"...The project portfo­lio is distributed across civil works such as buildings, ca­nalization and reclamation, jetties and shore protection, electrification, roads and bridges, water supply, build­ings, flood control and ero­sion and equipping, and fur­nishing of schools and health centers..."

"...The pro­gramme portfolio of the Commission covers training and capacity building for Oil spill response, Telecommu­nications, Building technol­ogy, Entrepreneurship devel­opment and Waste-to-wealth amongst others. For instance, a total of 72,000 pairs of plas­tic chairs and desks have been produced and are about to be distributed to schools across the region..."

"..The healthcare pro­grammes have been quite extensive with over 1.2 mil­lion documented patients treated, 3,500 communities visited and 6,000 referrals cases managed. Emergency relief materials were recently supplied to several commu­nities such as Okerenkoko, Oporoza, Opobo amongst others, 7 Healthcare facilities equipped, and over 30,000 protective kits against Lassa Fever distributed."

Nsima Ekere; Managing Director, Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC)

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