Comrade Victoria Bright : What prompted you to go into female Sports?

You know sports is my own way of addressing the rape issues that is going on in the state, so I wanted all the female students in the state even those that were raped to come out; after the tournament you will now go into a talk show, where we will call on our mothers, our academics, all the traditional rulers, and the commissioner for justice, the police, legal advisers and all the stakeholders to see how we can put a stop to rape.

As mothers and future mothers we don’t want to be hurt, because if we are being wounded we will not be able to be very useful to our generation. We are the future generation. So this football is just a means to celebrate womanhood. So we ask all the students to come out, let’s celebrate ourselves.

Even if you were raped come out and enjoy ourselves, after that we can now talk, we can now tell our brothers, our husbands our fathers to stop this thing (rape) it won’t take us any anywhere.

If you have interest in us, just walk up to us and tell us “I want to marry you,” if we say yes, you take it, if we say no; there are so many females in the world, you can walk over to another person.

You just mentioned Rape, must it be someone who has gone through rape before you can participate?

I have not been raped before, but it pierce one’s heart when you hear someone has been raped. I am married, even when you are not ready to have fun with your husband, but when your husband is in need of it, you don’t have to hesitate so that your husband will not go outside.

But it is not the same for the singles or people who are raped, it is a forceful act and they will be hurt, some even die in the process, so this is the main reason. The football tournament will serve a dual purpose and the government can also discover the existing female talents in our tertiary institutions at the tournament.

Did you play sports yourself?

Yes I am a very good goalkeeper.

Okay you are Married?


And you want to push this beyond tertiary institutions, but why did you launch out solo, doing it on your own all alone.

I wrote letters to so many agencies but it is only FEYREP that has supported me and also the ministry of women affairs, but the little that they have been able to put… you know they won’t do everything, they just support. So I do not have full sponsorship, but the little I have with my executive, we do contributions; we contribute within ourselves to help our people.

And we really want to push awareness to our men and promote a healthy environment where ladies can be free and sexual consent is upheld. The kind of anger we have now against rapist will make us prosecute them in court, we are working hand in hand with FIDA; that is female Barristers.

The Winner of this Tournament, what is the team going home with?

The winning team of this tournament will go home with =N= 150,000, the second place, that is silver will get =N=50,000 the bronze winner will go with =N= 30,000 and the finals will be played on the 23rd of February 2017.

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