4 brilliant ways Nigerians can increase visibility on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one most popular social network for professionals and top social networks in the world today. With over 380 million members, LinkedIn has growing influence as a professional networking tool and can be extremely powerful when the user is aware of the platform's hidden features.

Unfortunately, a lot of Nigerians are not fully aware of the opportunities presented to them by the LinkedIn platform. The few who are users, do not know how to maximize the platform or optimize their presence. Certainly, there is a need for business owners and professionals in Nigeria to tap into these opportunities towards building relationships with potential customers, clients, partners and peers, and so Jumia Travel presents 5 simple and time-effective ways in which Nigerians can make the best of LinkedIn.

Enhance your profile for search

Everyone who is conversant with social media trends, understands the necessity for an outstanding profile. The way your profile is structured and the information made available on it are key to increasing online visibility and engaging others, and so there is need to enhance your LinkedIn profile for search. Very similar to SEO, all you need to do to achieve this is research the keywords that relate to your industry or service and integrate them into your profile as naturally as possible.

Encourage your contacts to leave recommendations and make endorsements

Recommendations have always been essential to the reputation and credibility of any professional and so, the LinkedIn platform offers a unique feature that functions as form of recommendation for users. This feature enables members to endorse each other’s work within specific job roles and organizations, sharing evidence that adds credibility to the user’s profile and reinforcing both current and future applications. It is therefore important that users ask contacts, from colleagues to clients and even friends to endorse their profile. A higher number of endorsements will rank more favorable in LinkedIn search results.

Use video testimonials effectively

Another way to up your game on LinkedIn is to use video testimonials to reinforce the quality of your work. Most users, especially sole proprietors or small business owners believe they already have a strong, existing customer base, underuse and undermine the video upload feature on LinkedIn’s profile pages. The use of video, however, can help distinguish your brand or service from the vast majority of profile pages that may even be competitors. Do some research, interview, record and upload genuine customer or client testimonials which reflect a positive light on your service. You would be capitalizing on an already existing client base.

Stay active on LinkedIn groups

A lot of LinkedIn users are not very keen on participating actively in any of the plethora of LinkedIn groups as it usually seems time-consuming. However, its benefits and rewards are long-term. Basically, the user has to search for relevant professional groups that are within his industry, make selections based on the group’s popularity, relevance in terms of keywords and existing membership base, then subscribe to daily updates, delivered directly by e-mail. The user can also now participate in group discussions on the go via mobile. It is a great way to remain visible and valuable in target markets. The key is being careful not to over commit to too many LinkedIn groups. Simply take five or 10 minutes off your daily schedule to respond and interact with other members, as you share your insight and build strong professional bonds. These interactions usually increase your value on the platform.


Nkem Ndem | PR Associate at Jumia Travel
phone +234 (0)7033853356 | skype Vivienne Ndem

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