By Essien Ndueso
We have come a long way together,
Yours is an article of God's mystery hand
Through thick and thin have you weathered And today you stand tall as a fulfilled gentleman.
Attaining such a golden age, is no mean feat To some it is just a beginning of living But we know the stuff you are made with And certainly this is no learning or mediocrity.
You are a priceless gift to your family
And a wonderful asset to our media team
Those who bear you grudge, do so at their peril For whom God lifts, no mortal can query.
Today remembering your birth, we raise our glasses And thank God for prevailing against men's dark wishes
We pray for better fortunes ahead for you
May your horizon sun smile with greater glow.
I join your friends to celebrate with you on your 2016th birthday Uwemedimoh Umanah !
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