Nsekpong Begins Familiarity Tour to PCMFB Branches – Introduces akfipca.com

The Web Business Executive for Prudential Co-operative Micro Finance Bank (PCMFB) has commenced his familiarity tour to the bank’s branches within and outside Uyo. Nsekpong who recently joined the largest cooperative society in Akwa Ibom State (AKFIPCA) as a team player said the visit was aimed at familiarizing with the staff of the cooperative bank which is the major financier of the AKFIPCA Project.

“You see, we have a startup which is akfipca.com aimed at coordinating our cooperators, so I just visited this branch at Ben Udo to intimate them on how to use the web app.” The ICT guru further revealed his intention to form a cooperative society that will take care of the training and retraining needs in the Akwa Ibom ICT ecosystem.

“We don’t have to depend on the government for everything.  Our forefathers formed cooperatives and sent some of their members abroad on scholarships, today we have leaders from these lineages.  If we come together and form cooperative and save money for a long-term project of training and retraining of our members in IT Programs, we will sooner or later create those things we never dreamt of in this part of the world.” the enthusiastic ICT icon reasoned.

AKFIPCA is currently “the best financing cooperative society” in Akwa Ibom State. An award presented to the association by the Bureau of Cooperative Development and Food Sufficiency in Akwa Ibom State during the 2016 World Cooperative Day celebration. The cooperative society has so far invested in Education by providing scholarships to wards of their cooperators and the ICT investment is seen as another form of investment for the future.

Nsekpong’s profile in the IT industry is said to have risen during his stay as the ICT Manager for the Nigeria Union of Journalists in Akwa Ibom State where he hosted and managed the defunct union website aksnuj.com

His reputation in the industry however soared when he started the publication of the popular IT Matters in local tabloids in Akwa Ibom State. A publication aimed at channeling a new course for the IT Industry in the state.

With Ubong Nsekpong now in AKFIPCA, it is believed that the image of the cooperative business will be enhanced at a global level.  AKFIPCA is renowned for its investment in various fields including Education, Agriculture, Banking, Cooperative etc.  With the integration of ICT into the mainstream of AKFIPCA’s Projects, the cooperative is already on its path to becoming a global business. 

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