Are your Beautiful? Are You Intelligent? Do you have passion for the African Child? Are you between the Ages of 18 to 25? Then this opportunity is yours.
Bash Integrated Services (BIS) presents“MISS GOLD BEAUTY PAGENT 2016”.
Bash Integrated Services (BIS) is a Port Harcourt based Company, a subsidiary of Global Entertainment & Modeling Africa (GEMA), expert on TV Modeling, Fashion Modeling, Glamour Modeling, Promotional Modeling and Commercial Modeling.
The Project is in support and development of the Girl Child Initiative & Women in Nigeria and the World at large which is in line with the UNICEF Initiative for the Girl Child and gender equality in Nigeria.
With their success in the Modeling and Fashion Shows since 2018 with proven records conceived the maiden edition of “MISS GOLD BEAUTY PAGENT 2014” which saw a huge success, this year’s edition promises to be nothing but the best of its kind as Queens from different States of the Federation will be drawn to be part of this historic event.
This Project according to the Organizers will serve as an avenue to encourage the young talented Girl Child to be productive, as well as making profit through her abilities by participating in this Big Project as made available by Bash Integrated Services (BIS).
“MISS GOLD BEAUTY PAGENT 2016”is scheduled for 20th December 2016 at Aztech Arum, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
N1,000,000 Cash + Brand New CarTrip to South AfricaModeling Contract
1st Runner Up
N500,000 CashModeling Contract
2nd Runner Up
· N250,000 Cash
· Modeling Contract
How to Participate
Make payment at any GT Bank branch to Miss Gold Beauty Pageant
Account No.: 0228473937
Pick up the form with original copy of your teller at the collection centers near you by calling the following numbers.
Port Harcourt
+2347037692698 or +2347039293653
Ikot Ekpene
Note: Only Original verifiable Teller will be processed.
Connect on social network:
Facebook: Miss Golden Pageant
Twitter: @MissGoldBeautyPageant
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For further enquiries, call:+2347037692698 or +2347039293653
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