You can't lose your legs just like that! 
Over the years, we've receive more than enough reports from victims of careless paralysis due to indiscriminate injections. Inability to use their two legs again all through life is more than enough to echo this warning out to the public loud and clear. So amazingly, these silly destructions has so much been common among a particular cadre of healthcare givers that tries to pose selves as Medical Doctors and Professional Anatomists when they are just allied health workers. May I conserve their identity for now. However, even the so called road-side quacks will hardly perpetuate this type of medical blunders!
In year 2015 alone, we've receive reports directly from 23 -victims of these medical havocs. I mean twenty-three healthy people whose legs were still active CRIPPLED DOWN! ..May I not wait until my future wife is crippled by these same cadre of healthcare givers before I educate you guys. (More of females in this cadre of health care providers)
I get shock when I see these half baked professionals trying to implement certain medical procedures that even the Doctors are afraid of. If the Doctors doesn't give it a try, who are you to dare it? 
Your natural anatomy houses a very important nerve cell that gives strength to your legs. Therefore, if that nerve is wounded by needle or any other means, you automatically becomes cripple on that side of the leg. Professional anatomists call it sciatic Nerve. So unfortunate, this group of busy body has just LITTLE or no knowledge of some anatomical aberrations that occur in this nerve. Therefore, during injection, when once the nerve is pricked /wounded by this group of busy bodies with their ignorance, few minutes later, you'll start feeling weak on the affected leg. At the onset, you may consider it to be effect of the drug. At a point you'll find it difficult to accept the fact that your legs can no more carry you. So unfortunate, YOU'VE JUST BEEN CRIPPLED!. In neuro-Anatomy, damaged nerves can HARDLY be repaired, though we are still researching on that. 
Meanwhile, having been paralyzed on that side of the leg, you'll just have to be on wheel chair for the rest of your life.
1. Every malaria and fever must not be treated with injections.
2. Gluteal Injections were meant for special cases. Probably: 
-Whenever a fast action is needed.
- Whenever your condition seems too critical that to swallow is even a big deal for you.
- During diagnostic tests 
3. Tablets, caplet, sprays, suppositories, capsules and syrups will still serve you a purpose not until your Doctor prescribe it the other way.
1. Only a qualified Medical Doctor with a minimum of MBBS Certificate Registrable with the Medical and Dental council of Nigeria is qualify to recommend and inject you. 
2. Every other group of health care personels must inject ONLY THROUGH A DOCTOR'S RECOMMENDATION AND SUPERVISION. 
N/B: It is deadly to allow any health worker toy with your life in an attempt to outshine a qualified Medical Doctor. By training in respect to treatments excluding Laboratory diagnosis, patient care and Pharmaceutics, Medical Doctors are number one! 
If it is not Panadol, it can never be like Panadol!
Conclusively, I'll love to say that wheelchair is not your portion this year. You'll celebrate the next Valentine, Easter and Xmas with your two legs intact. Remember, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. 

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