If you're an expectant mother anxiously awaiting day of delivery, this piece of warning may be life saving.
1. Two weeks to your expected date of delivery, stay away from the following:
- Garlic Onions
-Any other prescription containing blood anti-Coagulant like warfarin, heparin etal.
Our group of researchers has confirm the fact that these substances are capable of bleeding any woman to death immediately after a ""successful delivery"". Interventions from their Doctor will most often not yield any immediate result. Sometimes before the emergency medical intervention will work, the innocent woman has already bleed to death. This usually leave the midwives and Doctors confused. Consequently, they may be tempted to term it "Spiritual".
2. If you're Heamophilic, never you joke with antenatals. This is another Satan behind the fate.
3. If you've ever undergo surgical abortion or therapeutic evacuations, confide on your Doctor early.
Extend this piece to your Aunt, Mother, friend, colleague, daughter and sister.
Rock your Friday but don't break rules.
source:- WIMGO Health-International
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